Liquid Death

The Pee Analysis


Liquid Death is a canned water company whose mission is to keep you hydrated by “Murder(ing) Your Thirst”.

In an organic social effort to boost sales around the start of summer we devised the Liquid Death Pee Analysis; an assistance program to keep the brand top of mind on a day when the risk of dehydration is at its worst, July 4th.

The idea:

  1. On July 4th enjoy all that sun, beer, and salty food.

  2. Take a pee.

  3. Post a photo of your pee to #amihydrated and our resident doctor will respond with an analysis of your predictably low hydration levels.


There’s a small part of me that wishes I wasn’t writing this, but hundreds, literally hundreds of people posted pictures of their OWN urine to their OWN profiles.

The glory there is that sales for the brand also rose about 12% in one day. Not a bad kick-off to the summer.

Enjoy just some urine shots, below!


But what kind of people would we be without showing a little grattitude to our fans?

So, unbenounced to them, we sent each participant a limited edition t-shirt that I’m sure they’ll wear with pride every time they pee from here on out.


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